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- 9'9'' Hobie "IZZY" Noserider
9'9'' Hobie "IZZY" Noserider
Shaper : Timmy Patterson
9'9" 23.25 3.07
The list of Hobie influencers past is strong with personality: Hobie, Edwards, Carroll, Munoz, and Propper. My personal favorite though is hall-of-fame charger, absolute legend and Renaissance man, Herbie Fletcher. The guy literally put the thrill back in surfing when he kick-started the reawakening of the longboard movement by capturing the 1976 SURFER magazine cover, noseriding the world’s fastest wave, Ma’alaea.
This Timmy Patterson shaped noserider is packed with Fletcher DNA. From the blunted nose and rail-to- rail concave, the parallel outline and dominate rocker, the performance rails and edges, and the ample Vee for those quick directional changes. The history of the design, however, dates back to Herbie’s cover shot, and Israel “Izzy” Paskowitz’s urgent need of a horse-powered noserider for an upcoming contest (Malibu?). Close friend, Timmy Patterson – T. Patterson Surfboards -- has always had a red-hot planner and personal knowledge of Herbie’s energetic hustle. So when Izzy turned to his friend, Timmy obliged, shaping a champion’s surfboard for noseriding excellence.